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[12] Pang X, Fu SJ, Zhang YG. Acclimation temperature alters the relationship between growth and swimming performance among juvenile common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Comp Biochem Physiol A. 2016, 199:111-119. (SCI, IF:1.966)

[11] Pang X, Fu SJ, Li XM, Zhang YG. The effects of starvation and re-feeding on growth and swimming performance of juvenile black carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus). Fish Physiol Biochem 2016, 42:1203-1212. (SCI, IF:1.647)

[10] 庞旭, 付世建, 曹振东, 张耀光. 饥饿和温度驯化对中华倒刺静止代谢和游泳能力的影响. 生态学报. 2016, 36:1854-1860. (CSCD)

[9] Pang X, Fu SJ, Zhang YG. Individual variation in metabolism and swimming performance in juvenile black carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus) and the effects of hypoxia. Mar Freshw Behav Physiol. 2015, 48: 431-443. (SCI, IF:0.915)

[8] Pang X, Yuan XZ, Cao ZD, Zhang YG, Fu SJ. The effect of temperature on repeat swimming performance in juvenile qingbo (Spinibarbus sinensis). Fish Physiol Biochem. 2015, 41:19-29. (SCI, IF:1.622)

[7] Pang X, Yuan XZ, Cao ZD, Fu SJ. The effects of fasting on swimming performance in juvenile qingbo (Spinibarbus sinensis) at two temperatures. J Therm Biol. 2014, 42: 25-32. (SCI, IF:1.505)

[6] Pang X, Yuan XZ, Cao ZD, Fu SJ. The effects of temperature and exercise training on swimming performance in juvenile qingbo (Spinibarbus sinensis). J Comp Physiol B. 2013, 183:99-108. (SCI, IF:2.530)

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[3] Pang X, Cao ZD, Fu SJ. The effects of temperature on metabolic interaction between digestion and locomotion in juveniles of three cyprinid fish (Carassius auratus, Cyprinus carpio and Spinibarbus sinensis). Comp Biochem Physiol A. 2011, 159: 253-260. (SCI, IF:2.235).

[2] Pang X, Cao ZD, Peng JL, Fu SJ. The effects of feeding on the swimming performance and metabolic response of juvenile southern catfish, Silurus meridionalis, acclimated at different temperatures. Comp Biochem Physiol A. 2010, 155: 253-258. (SCI, IF:2.134)

[1] 庞旭, 曹振动, 付世建. 摄食水平对锦鲫幼鱼特殊动力作用的影响。重庆师范大学学报(自然科学版)2009, 26:22-25


[6] 国家自然科学基金青年基金(NO. 31702020),23万,2018-2020年;

[5] 中央高校基本业务费专项资金一般项目(NO. XDJK2017C009),10万,2017-2018年;

[4] 西南大学博士基金(NO. 11046),5万,2016-2018年;

[3] 中国博士后科学基金面上项目(NO. 2015M572428),5万,2015-2016年;

[2] 中央高校基本业务费专项资金学生项目(XDJK2015D013),1万,2014-2015年;

[1] 西南大学博士后启动基金,3万,2014-2016年。


国际学术期刊J Therm Biol, Fish Physiol Biochem, Peer J等审稿人。

联系方式:pangxu9@hotmail.com; pangxu9@qq.com; pangxu9@swu.edu.cn.

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